Under the immediate supervision and the control of the Board of Directors are its support offices and the General Manager.
The support offices are:
- Administration’s Secretary Office
- Technical Safety Office
- Labor Doctor’s Office
- Legal Counselor’s Office
- Public Relations and International Affairs Office
In brief, the Organization Chart of the company is the following:
General Manager’s Office
Computing Department
- Supervisor’s office
- Computers office
Division of Administrative and Economic Services
- Manager’s Office and Secretary’s Office
- Financial Department
- Supervisor’s Office
- Accounting Office
- Administrative Department
- Supervisor’s Office
- Personnel’s and Salary’s Office
- Protocol’s and General Duties Office
- Consumers Department
- Supervisor’s Office
- Customer’s Service and Billing Office
- Water Consumption and Metering Control Office
- Supplies and Materials Management Department
- Supervisor’s Office
- Supplies – Warehouse – Materials Management Office
Division of Technical Services
- Manager’s Office and Secretary’s Office
- G.I.S. Office
- Potable Water Department
- Supervisor’s Office
- Project Design and Construction Supervision Office
- Potable Water System Operation and Maintenance Office
- Water Meters Office
- Sewage Department
- Supervisor’s Office
- Project Design and Construction Supervision Office
- Sewage System Operation and Maintenance Office
- Electrical – Mechanical Department
- Supervisor’s Office
- Project Design, Construction Supervision and Support Office for SCADA, PLC and Software Mode
- Systems for Water and Leakage
- Pumping Stations and Tanks Office
- Vehicles Maintenance Office
- Wastewater Treatment and Water Quality Control Department
- Supervisor’s Office
- Administrative and Technical Support Office
- Laboratory for Water and Sewage analysis
- Wastewater Treatment Plant Operation Office
- Wastewater Treatment Plant Maintenance Office
- Environment Office